Shiqian Li


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About Me

I’m now a Ph.D. student at School of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University under the supervision of Dr. Yixin-Zhu. My goal is to build intelligent agents that can understand, predict, and interact with the physical world. Always ready to share ideas!



My research interests include


- Ph.D. in Intelligent Science and Technology

2022/09-2027/06 (expected)

- Bachelor of Data Science and Big Data Technology



I record technical notes, research projects, and life experiences in my blog. I am also running a reading list to facilitate knowledge sharing in the community of intuitive physics. Welcome to contribute!


Neural Force Field: Learning Generalized Physical Representation from a Few Examples

Shiqian Li*, Ruihong Shen*, Chi Zhang, Yixin Zhu

arxiv, 2025

[Paper] [Web] [Code] [Video] [Dataset]

GlobalTomo: A global dataset for physics-ML seismic wavefield modeling and FWI

Shiqian Li*, Zhi Li*, Zhancun Mu, Shji Xin, Zhixiang Dai, Kuangdai Leng, Ruihua Zhang, Xiaodong Song, Yixin Zhu

arxiv, 2025

[Paper] [Web] [Code] [Video] [Dataset]

I-PHYRE: Interactive Physical Reasoning

Shiqian Li, Kewen Wu, Chi Zhang, Yixin Zhu

ICLR, 2024

[Paper] [Web] [Code] [Video] [Poster] [北大AI院推文]

PersLEARN: Research Training through the Lens of Perspective Cultivation

Yuzhe Shi*, Shiqian Li*, Xinyi Niu*, Qiao Xu*, Jiawen Liu*, Yifan Xu*, Shiyu Gu, Bingru He, Xinyang Li, Xinyu Zhao, Zijian Zhao, Yidong Lyu, Zhen Li, Sijia Liu, Lin Qiu, Jinhao Ji, Lecheng Ruan, Yuxi Ma, Wenjuan Han, Yixin Zhu

ACL, 2023

[Paper] [Video] [Poster] [Supp]

On the Learning Mechanisms in Physical Reasoning

Shiqian Li*, Kewen Wu*, Chi Zhang, Yixin Zhu

NeurIPS, 2022, Spotlight

[Paper] [Web] [Code] [Video] [Poster] [Blog] [VALSE论文速讲] [北大AI院推文] [北大AI院官网] [北大新闻网] [北大科研推文] [北大新工科推文] [BIGAI]

Auto-FERNet: A Facial Expression Recognition Network with Architecture Search

Shiqian Li, W.Li, S.Wen, K.Shi, Y.Yang, P.Zhou, T.Huang

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 2021

[Paper] [Code]

Span Identification and Technique Classification of Propaganda in News Articles

W.Li, Shiqian Li, C.Liu, L.Lu, Z.Shi, S.Wen

Complex & Intelligent Systems (Complex Intell. Syst.), 2021



In my spare time, I’d like to explore the beauty around me and record them using my camera. Here are some photos shot on the road and in my life.

Contact Me
